The weather has been very, very good for more than 2 weeks (2 may till 14 may) in Belgium. With temperatures of 27°C Belgium was the warmest place in Europe! The downside was that we only had some thermal winds during this period.
I got a Kona One from the shop to test. At least I thought I was going to test it but it turned out I had to wait for my turn.
In the morning there was no wind at all and the kids used the board to peddle and play. The soft deck is great for this.
In the afternoon my wife took the board. I rigged an old Saber although it had been 2 years since she last surfed she
was cruising around immediately without any problem.
Then I took over, started with some light wind "freestyle". (have to get rid of that JP sticker)
Then suddenly the wind went to 12-14 knots. I rigged my RS6 8.4 and went out. With the dagger board out you can go really good upwind to prepare for
the good gusts. I collapsed the dagger board and the board gradually accelerated onto the plane.
Once you step into the foot straps the board rides flatter on the water. From that moment the board actually feels smaller because on the reduced water contact.
This is the effect of the ducktail. Then the board accelerates a second time. The board also jibes good. Again the effect of the duck tail.
Conclusion. Very versatile board.